Understand Your Communication Style
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- Understand Your Communication Style

Once you understand your communication style you can start taking control over the way others are working with you and the impact and influence that you have. It is in your control and we can give you the tools and techniques to start building new relationships, increasing your influence and helping you to deliver your message more effectively … whatever the situation.
As a recent client said … understanding your communication style “puts a different perspective on things. They say if you want to change something it needs to come from within”.

Have you ever left a meeting feeling that you just didn’t get your point across?
Or been bewildered by the reaction you got from a colleague, client or member of staff?
Misunderstandings in communication can lose you sales, staff and good will, not to mention the stress you put yourself under trying to second guess other people’s reactions and why they behave the way they do.
If you haven’t taken our communication styles quiz yet, then that would be a great place to start! Go here to take our 5-minute quiz to get your free communication style report and start the process.
The report you will receive is a simplified version of the PRISM Brain Mapping profile and focuses on communication based behavioural preferences. Just with this information you will start to see how others might perceive your communication style and what you can do to improve relationships.
To obtain an understanding of your preferences and how you may be adapting them to cope with the demands of everyday living you can complete a full PRISM Brain Mapping profile and we can provide a much more in-depth report.
You can choose to meet with one of our team online or face to face to receive the feedback and better understand your preferences and how you adapt these at work. This can be a single meeting or as part of one of our programmes as detailed below; the choice is yours.
Contact Sally to talk through your options.
What Our Customers Say
Impactful communication
The sessions were extremely helpful and well delivered.
AS, Price & Myers
Confident communication
The course is very beneficial and will be useful to you no matter what is your profession.
JB, Ashridge
Handling difficult conversations
I didn't realise it would be so informative and interactive - Do it! It'll open your eyes!
EF, Minerva
Call centre training
I expected a very black and white do's and don'ts. Very informative and useful for customer relations.
SR, Festival Place
Team integration
Given me a better understanding of myself, the decision I make and why. Also will allow me ot assess how I act around others
AF, Leading tourist attraction
Dealing with difficult people
Teaches good techniques of self-control and makes us more aware of our limits.