I’m the first to check on-line before I buy and always visit the likes of Trip Advisor before I consider booking a place to visit … so I never object when we are asked for references and case studies by our new or soon to be clients. Having said that, it can be hard work persuading our busy (but happy) clients to find the time to provide us with testimonials and recommendations.
So you can imagine how thrilled I was when this blog was posted by the team at Grain Creative on their website. How to master the art of communication and influence people. Obviously I love it when a client describes one of our workshops as “fun, fascinating and helpful” and by their own admission is “still benefiting from it and raving about it” but what really floats my boat is hearing what in particular makes the difference and that’s exactly what Kent has written about. He has explained in detail which parts of the session he found most useful and why. As I couldn’t have put it better I’ll leave you to read the blog itself and if you have been on one of our workshops please let me know if you agree with his choices below!
Grain are an award-winning London-based branding agency founded in 2002. They specialise in branding and design for luxury, property and education; working with entrepreneurial businesses to define, create and live their brand.