How comfortable are you in a TV studio?

Some years back I was invited to be a guest on Business Connections Live The UK’s leading online business television channel.

And I won’t lie … I was nervous!

Over the past few months, a couple of our clients have been presenting in studio for programmes to be aired in- house and for TV channels with much larger audiences!

And I won’t lie … they were nervous!

When I first set up Partners With You (over 22 years ago) I can honestly say that the chances of you being in front of a camera as a business person were very slim.

However, these days, even without the proliferation of television channels all looking for commentators, interviewees and experts, you will definitely find yourself on a Zoom or Teams meeting, creating videos for your website or even being invited to present at a teleconference or hybrid meeting.

It’s so true that the fear of the unknown is much worse than the fear of the known, so if you haven’t been in a studio but might be, I would thoroughly recommend that you find a studio/media company who offer training in situ. Just knowing what a studio is like and having seen yourself on screen in an interview situation can lower the fear factor when you do it for real.

If you don’t have a media training company Business Connections run a course in the studio they use for their television programme and you can either team up with a few other business owners or invest in getting a team of people from your office trained up; they have more information here.

Of course, everything you need to consider when presenting stands true whether a camera is involved or not; however below are five additional tips I would add when presenting in a studio or in front of a camera:

  1. Be aware that the temperature can be very variable so arrive in layers that you are comfortable to be seen in. Avoid patterns; keep the colours plain but not green or white in case there is a green or white screen as your background.
  2. You will be able to see what the camera is looking at on a screen. Don’t look at yourself while being introduced. It will reduce your credibility and make you look as though you’re new to being interviewed on camera.
  3. Concentrate on breathing deeply while being asked questions – this will help you to think on your feet and reduce your nerves. It will also help to slow you down if you tend to gabble when nervous.
  4. Don’t be afraid to pause – it will feel longer than it is and the temptation is to “umm” to fill in while you are thinking. This will again affect your credibility.
  5. Nerves are often visible in the face so if you can, do some exercises to loosen your jaw and work out your tongue, lips and facial muscles; you won’t look as nervous and you will sound more articulate.

There are more presentation tips in the interview itself so grab a coffee and watch the edited highlights. I used all the techniques I’ve learnt from our team of actors … you’ll see I haven’t quite mastered tip number 5 but I’m improving!

Are there any tips you think I’ve missed?

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