tourism and customer service

Five ways to ruin your presentation and what to do instead!

As regular readers will know, I attend a lot of networking events, at which business owners and representatives can take the opportunity to give a short presentation. The topic usually relates to an overview of their business, the market they work in or some top tips for the audience to take away. As the speaker, […]

Five ways to ruin your presentation and what to do instead! Read More »

Are you guilty of not listening properly?

Have you been at a networking event or meeting and found that you haven’t really heard what’s being said? It wasn’t the level of noise in the room but truth be told … you just weren’t listening properly? It could be because you got distracted by another conversation in the room, or you started thinking

Are you guilty of not listening properly? Read More »

How to create a great pitch so other’s take action.

The past few months we’ve been working with a number of clients who want their teams to create and deliver talks and presentations; specifically, as part of social media videos and campaigns. We’ve also been contacted by a number of business owners struggling to move back to face-to-face networking and deliver great pitches. They’ve become

How to create a great pitch so other’s take action. Read More »

How do you react if you aren’t being listened to?

If you follow my articles, you’ll have heard me speaking about listening skills. The art of listening is key for good communication. However today I want to talk about what happens when the other person doesn’t appear to be listening to you! It can really throw your confidence and affect your ability to deliver your

How do you react if you aren’t being listened to? Read More »

How your feet can change the way others’ see you.

When standing, if your feet are jiggling, crossed, moving without purpose, rocking, swaying or shuffling they are telling the person you are talking to that you aren’t as confident as you would like them to think you are. If you are presenting then this can really diminish your audience’s impression of you, which will make

How your feet can change the way others’ see you. Read More »