Listening Skills

Are you guilty of not listening properly?

Have you been at a networking event or meeting and found that you haven’t really heard what’s being said? It wasn’t the level of noise in the room but truth be told … you just weren’t listening properly? It could be because you got distracted by another conversation in the room, or you started thinking […]

Are you guilty of not listening properly? Read More »

How do you react if you aren’t being listened to?

If you follow my articles, you’ll have heard me speaking about listening skills. The art of listening is key for good communication. However today I want to talk about what happens when the other person doesn’t appear to be listening to you! It can really throw your confidence and affect your ability to deliver your

How do you react if you aren’t being listened to? Read More »

Why counting to 10 is a great communication skill.

Last summer a friend of mine moved her mother-in-law into the family home so that she wasn’t alone and could be looked after. Nice for her and her family. Yes; but her teenage son is struggling with his grandmother being there 24/7. She always has a suggestion for how he should be doing something or

Why counting to 10 is a great communication skill. Read More »

Do others call you aggressive, unassertive or assertive?

And what do they mean? What behaviours do they see to make them say that and what’s the difference? I’d describe being assertive as the ability to state your case or point of view in a way that means you are heard while still being in a position to hear what the other person has

Do others call you aggressive, unassertive or assertive? Read More »

Is your authority disappearing when they meet you?

When you are talking to others face to face you aren’t just listening to their words. How they are saying it … tone of voice & volume for example, affect what you hear. As does what they look like when they speak … facial expressions, hand gestures and so on. Your body language can change

Is your authority disappearing when they meet you? Read More »