Assertiveness Skills

Do you give good instructions? Do others know what you mean?

You know what you’re doing and why but does everyone else? Have you ever felt you appear to be speaking another language? You tell someone what’s needed and yet when you come back it’s not even close to what you expected? Is it that everyone you’re talking to just doesn’t “get” it … or could […]

Do you give good instructions? Do others know what you mean? Read More »

How good are you at giving and receiving compliments?

If someone compliments you on the way you handled a meeting, do you say “Thank you” or is your response more likely to be, “Oh it was nothing really” or “They were very easy on me” or perhaps “I don’t think I was. I could have been better at dealing with X or Y” If

How good are you at giving and receiving compliments? Read More »

Where should you speak from in a meeting?

One of the major complaints I hear about Zoom meetings is that they can be quite confrontational. A bit like constantly attending a panel interview where you are eyeballing, and being eyeballed, by everyone in the room (including yourself)! However, the benefits of Zoom include things such as being able to see everyone at the

Where should you speak from in a meeting? Read More »

Do others call you aggressive, unassertive or assertive?

And what do they mean? What behaviours do they see to make them say that and what’s the difference? I’d describe being assertive as the ability to state your case or point of view in a way that means you are heard while still being in a position to hear what the other person has

Do others call you aggressive, unassertive or assertive? Read More »